Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gorgonzola & Pear Salad

I love this combination. The sweetness of the pear and the saltiness of the gorgonzola cheese go together beautifully with the added crunch of toasted pecans and crispy red onion! Perfect for Summer time!


- 1 bag of flat leaf spinach
- 2 pears
- 1 red onion
- pecan halves
- gorgonzola cheese (blue cheese crumbles work for this too)
- balsamic vinaigrette dressing (or whatever you prefer, but I think the balsamic goes very well)


 Start by toasting about 1 cup of pecan halves over medium heat in a small skillet until they are warm. (your nose will let you know when they are done)

  Next dump your bag of spinach into your serving bowl and slice your pears.

Add your sliced pears to the spinach, arranging them neatly and evenly over the top.

  Next slice your red onion and add to the spinach and pears.

Finish by adding your toasted pecans and sprinkling the gorgonzola (or blue cheese crumbles) over the top.

 Now you're ready to serve! Add dressing to each plate after dishing up, or you can add the dressing first, toss to coat, and then serve. I like to let everyone add their own dressing and I just serve this salad as is, after it's assembled.

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